It’s Raghu Kumar, Ravi Kumar, Shrinivas Viswanath who started a brokerage firm called RKSV & hitting 4000 crore daily turn over in just two year as per Economic times news.

The main reasons behind their achievement is the business model they follow.Basically in trading, brokerage cost is over headache for an full time or part time trader.They just low down their brokerage charge by keeping overhead costs low as much as possible.

In a FAQ they answered How RKSV brokerage charges low?

“When RKSV was formed, one of its main objectives was to ensure that it kept its fees as low as possible. RKSV is able to do through numerous methods.

Low Overhead Costs

RKSV attempts to keep its fees low by keeping its overhead costs low. This includes having a centralized customer support staff at our Mumbai headquartered office, not having relationship managers and instead providing excellent support over phone, email and an almost real-time ticketing system that allows customer queries to be resolved instantaneously.

One centralized operation

Unlike other brokers, RKSV drastically cuts its costs and fees by only having one centralized office in the Bandra Kurla Complex in Mumbai. This allows us the flexibility of keeping our overhead fees low by not having to worry about unnecessary costs associated with opening branches.

We do not provide tips

While other brokers provide tips and advisory services, RKSV believes in not having conflicts of interest; therefore, we do not provide tips to our customers on what stocks to buy or sell. If our customers wish to get tips, there are many tip providers in India that do so in a cost effective manner. This automatically eliminates any conflict of interest while also keeping our overhead fees low.

We do not provide any RM (relationship manager) service, even in Mumbai

Relationship managers at other brokers are responsible for hand-holding the customer and helping them open their account, and afterward, answer their questions. However, as with tips, a serious conflict of interest arises: is the RM genuinely looking out for the customer’s best interests, or is he simply trying to generate as many accounts as possible? RKSV eliminates this dilemma by not providing relationship managers. Instead, through leveraging technology (and doing In-Person-Verification’s through webcam) and providing excellent customer service, we have found that a relationship manager is not required. In fact, by having a centralized customer support desk, our customers have reported that their queries are answered in a more prompt with RKSV versus other brokers.”

How much they charge as Brokerage?

low brokerage



RKSV brokerage charge is very low compared to other in market.They are perfect for both full time or part time broker. RKSV have three trading plan

i)Dream Plan-5 free trade per month for life:


-Free Trading: 5 free trades each month, for life

-Rs. 20 per order traded afterwards, regardless of the size of the trade

-Applies to all segments: Cash (Equities), Futures, Options, Currency Futures and Options, and MCX Futures

-No monthly commitments

-Enjoy intraday leverage of 10x on Equities, 2.5x on NSE F&O, 2x on NSE Currency F&O and 2x on MCX Futures.

ii)Pro Plan-Zero Brokerage, Unlimited Trading


-Zero Brokerage, Unlimited Trading

-Flat monthly fee means you pay zero brokerage. While traditional brokers charge you brokerage as a percentage on turnover, RKSV charges Zero Brokerage for a monthly fee

-In return for a fixed monthly fee, you can do as many trades as you would like. Truly, unlimited trading

-Their Pro Plans are ideal for active traders who trade at least once a day

ii)Unlimited Plan-Zero Brokerage, Unlimited Trading, Ultimate Style

  • On the Ultimate plan, you get the ultimate margins:
    • 20x on NSE and BSE Cash
    • 5x on NSE Futures
    • 4x on NSE Options
    • 5x on NSE Currency Futures
    • 3x on MCX Futures
  • Unlimited Margin Trading, Zero Brokerage across all segments for Rs. 9,999
  • On the Ultimate Plan, you can trade across all segments for one flat monthly fee
  • That means you can trade on: NSE Cash, BSE Cash, NSE Futures, NSE Options, NSE Currency Futures, NSE Currency Options, and MCX Futures- all for one, flat monthly fee
  • Like their Pro plans, you still get the comfort of being able to do unlimited trading at zero brokerage. You also get much better margin trading rates for intraday.


How You can believe RKSV?

Some time their low charges may confuse you, is that possible or is this RKSV a fake one?

RKSV is as great as they told.You can check RKSV as featured in Forbes India or Google RKSV to learn more.

You can check RKSV in SEBI Official Website : RKSV SEBI LISTED

Your Fund is safe with RKSV. Know more.


Trading By Own:

RKSV do not support any phone trading.You can only trade via their NEST TRADER DESKTOP APPLICATON or Via WEB  or Mobile APP in Android.So, if you don’t want to trade by own don’t go with RKSV.


They are having awesome support staff.They may call you in just 15 minutes after your email to support team during trade hours.They have strong Knowledge Base to guide you through out trading journey. They have also phone support.

Demat Account:

RKSV don’t provide any demat account.You can link up your own demat account or you can open a demat account with RKSV tied up IL&FS. RKSV will open a demat account to IL&FS for you if you wish.

Referral Center:

You can refer your friends to RKSV and get some percentage of brokerage charge he provide.

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Vivek M · Jan 21, 2016 at 5:02 pm

Very nice post on How to start online Trading in India. I heard one new Share Trading league has been came into
Indian Stock Market

Megha T · Feb 2, 2016 at 11:27 am

Great Stuff

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