Cyber crime has grown in last few years tremendously.Now cyber crime becomes the most concern of any individual or authority.Giant company like Google, Microsoft discovering and installing new features to protect their servers time to time. Gmail has many protection against Brut Force Attack or Phishing via email, but previously their was no way to protect email if email credentials  got stolen by any means.Though there was a way to reset password with mobile number, but how many of common user change their gmail password frequently?So, previously hackers can read your email silently by stealing your credentials.

Those days have gone. Gmail is now more secure with two step verification.

One question comes in mind, so what is two step verification?

As the word say, two step verification means their is two way to verify your account credentials.

i) In first step verification process you have to provide your gmail credentials like username or user id or gmail id and password.

ii)In second step google provide you a special code via SMS or Call or App on Blackberry/Android/iPhone.You have to put it in the verification page.The most interesting fact is that You will get the code on app still if you don’t have any internet connection or network connectivity.

Google two step verification prevent your account to be hacked by phishing or brute force attack.This ensure your account safety and safety of your personal documents.

There are two method to enable two step verification

i)2 step verification with sms or call.

ii)2 step verification with App.


I am detailing the process of setting up two step verification in the post linked below.One thing you must keep in mind that enabling one extra layer of verification means enabling extra layer of security.

♦ How to set up 2 step verification with sms or call?

How to set up 2 step verification with App?

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